
SOAR to reach new aspirations

Use this planning tool to transform your future Fall is often a time of year to plan ahead and make change for the new year. For many, it’s also time to dust off your strategic plan and update it for the next few years. When my clients are looking to design an engaging and uplifting planning workshop, SOAR is a tool that I recommend. I first used SOAR right in the middle of the pandemic with a client who was stretched and tired.  The leadership team were exhausted by constant demands and curveballs at their social enterprise.  And… their Board wanted to charge ahead with an update to its strategic plan. We had to think of a different way to approach the Plan update. We needed to inject energy and lightness so we could rise above the day-to-day and look forward. SOAR focuses on planting seeds rather than pulling weeds.

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Personal Pledge of Reconciliation

Here’s what I’m thinking about today. My journey to listening and learning about reconciliation with Indigenous peoples started about 12 years ago when my husband and I chose the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre for our wedding venue.  I’ll never forget the beautiful energy of the space, blessings from Lil’wat Nations elders, gift of an eagle feather and the chance to share this special cultural centre with our closest friends and family.  In the work that I do, I am constantly learning and listening to my colleagues and Indigenous neighbours to try and understand the truth from a different world view and take meaningful actions toward reconciliation in action. To advance this learning, I’ve uncovered eight simple commitments you can weave into your life. In the spirit of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in Canada, I, Diana Mulvey, solemnly pledge to: Learn more about Indigenous Peoples and issues. Continue to look forward

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BC Sport Hosting Network Workshop

A Workshop Designed for Connection

Say no to boring agendas with no time for connection   Recently, I was engaged to bring 40 participants from across the province together for a workshop. In three hours, we aimed to set a foundation for a Province-wide major events strategy. The workshop participants were motivated since events and sport tournaments can bring huge economic potential and numerous benefits for communities. Here’s how I approached the opportunity to design and facilitate a memorable experience. Experience Design The experience was designed to encourage collaboration between participants. Typically, these professionals work in isolation to attract events and there are even silos between neighbouring communities. Every moment on the agenda contributed toward collaboration and connection. Workshop Guidelines To anchor the discussions and create a container for the workshop, we established clear Guidelines. These were shaped with specific behaviours that were encouraged and shared throughout the workshop.  Each one was introduced slowly to

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Designing Transformative Meetings and Workshops

Could you energize your participants without caffeine? Have you been enjoying the return to in-person events and workshops? It’s been so nice to see groups of people connecting and sharing with colleagues and industry peers. I’ve been noticing a blend of in-person and online meetings with many organizations to keep costs and efficiencies in check.  When asked to design an experience and facilitate meetings for either format, my approach is largely the same.  After completing experience design training through Scaling Intimacy, I’ve found the tools and formula for each experience so effective, I use them every time. Here are four tips to consider next time you plan a meeting, workshop or event: Identify the desired outcome Why are you bringing people together? What do you hope to achieve? Will you make it worth everyone’s time? Will they know what to do after the meeting?  A well-designed experience encourages some kind

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Scheduling meeting. Image by on Freepik

Use Rhythms and Rituals To Keep Teams Energized

How does your team keep Strategic Planning on track? Your organization has set strategic priorities and you’re ready to roll into the new year. The team is clear on goals, strategies and the tactics they need to implement. You’ve outlined KPIs and metrics to track progress. Next: how do you keep the plan alive so you don’t get sidetracked and pulled in every direction? Even the best laid plans can get shelved unless the foundation is built upon a process of accountabilities, rhythms, and rituals. Here are some ideas to get into your calendar.  Create a Culture of Accountability First and foremost, leaders need to foster a culture of accountability.  Does your plan have tactics assigned to a champion? Is there a timeframe or by-when date to aim for completion? Follow through and check on progress. Find out where things are stuck and get support for project champions when needed.

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Strategic planning with your team

A Hierarchy for Effective Strategic Planning

The Language of Strategic Planning I love wordsmithing. Playing with words to simplify and clarify ideas is something I find challenging and satisfying. I often benchmark clever copywriting and corporate communications that is on brand and has a unique voice. In my experience, carefully chosen words can break through the clutter and get your target audience’s attention. When I begin a strategic planning exercise for my clients, I start by defining the anchors of the plan: those words that help to outline strategic direction. Before launching a planning exercise with your organization’s leadership team and Board of Directors, check in to see if everyone is starting from the same page. Chances are, there’s room to refine the language, sift through the differences, and come up with shared definitions so that everyone is rooted in the same foundation. Strategic Planning Hierarchy I am a big fan of starting with Why? Why

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